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Artificial Intelligence

AI (chatbots, personal assistants, etc.) relies on machine learning to make decisions and take actions on behalf of people. UX design can make these systems more transparent and ethical

Popping the Filter Bubble: Design Practices for Data Donation

Learn how design can give power back to people when it comes to algorithmic personalisation

Prototyping Transparency: A Smart Charging Station

We interviewed Marcel Schouwenaar from The Incredible Machine on his prototype, a transparent charging station.

Blink and You’ll Miss It: Notifications in an AI World

I’ve been enjoying the videos from AI Now, an exploration of artificial intelligence and ethics hosted by the U.S. White House and NYU’s Information Law Institute. Co-chairs Kate Crawford and Simply Secure co-founder Meredith Whittaker put together a program focused on issues of social inequality, labor, and ethics in artificial intelligence. AI inspiration Looking at the program through a UX design lens, there were abundant design opportunities to make AI systems more effective, transparent, and fair.

Chatbots, UX, and Privacy

Chatbots, or conversational programs that simulate interactive human speech patterns, are a hot topic in UX right now. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella recently claimed that “bots are the new apps”, and that they are the interface of the future for tasks like ordering food and booking transportation. In San Francisco, tech elites use a multitude of oft-parodied services like Wag to find dog walkers and Rinse to have their laundry done.